So funny story; at district conference, Pres. Egbert came and all the members and all the people we are teaching were invited, and so we are sitting in church and this one lady was speaking and all of a sudden a bat flies in the room and is flying all over the room above our heads and no one moves or screams or makes a sound. But everyone's eyes are on this bat, and then after a while it ran into the fan that was on high, and it fell on the floor, you heard everyone gasp! But the lady is still going with her talk! Oh man it was crazy! But funny! President Egbert was here for that and zone conference and he told us to set a goal for 1 bap per transfer, not because of numbers but because every time you help someone be converted to the gospel it is a very spiritual experience that not only helps them but it help your own testimony. I love that! We are trying to do that! We will!! Words of faith right!
So I also heard they are going to start a Portuguese group down here too!! That would be so great!! There are so many Brazilians!! It will be cool!!
I love you all so much and I am so happy to be here serving the lord, even though it is hot and rainy and you don't know if you are wet because of sweat or rain, it is all worth it!! remember God loves you!
Marillia and my new comp! She is a member from Brazil. Nous amo ella!
Working too hard!!
When it rains
Cats love me
Only in Suriname can an elder wear these!
The District 2016!!
In order: Elders Hood, Lewis, Hardy, Burr, Sisters,?, Jorgensen, Ashcraft, Parker
In order: Elders Hood, Lewis, Hardy, Burr, Sisters,?, Jorgensen, Ashcraft, Parker
In the picture of their district, the first sister is Sister Walsh