Tuesday, February 14, 2017

18 months!!!!! and i found a grey hair.......

This was a good week! We had zone conference with president Egbert. The next time I see them will be in Trinidad having my departing interview; crazy! The other day I was coming my hair and I was looking in the mirror and I saw....A GREY HAIR!!! I could not believe it! my first grey hair!? I didn't think I was that old?! 

We did not have water for a day and it was a bit of a struggle because it was in the morning and we couldn't shower, or go to the bathroom. and it happened the night before and I really needed to go to the bathroom but I just had to hold it. The next morning I couldn't hold it in any more and before we could do out studies, looking like a mess because we couldn't shower, we went to this roti shop on the end of the street and I used their bathroom to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I  felt like a hobo! We may have also bought a roti roll for breakfast... but it was a bit of a struggle. Luckily by the end of the day we got our water back! So everything is all good now! 

Annastacia again is just amazing! She said something amazing in our lesson with her. She read the pamphlet about the restoration the night before our visit and she said, "You know that God and Jesus Christ said that all the churches are good, but he has one true church and that is this church! and I read in the Book of Mormon that God does not lie! This is the true church! Do you know how much I wish I was already in this church years ago???" It was so amazing! She now talks about spreading the gospel! That is a huge testimony to me about true conversion. She finally got her strong foundation, her answer. She knows that this is the true church, not because we told her, but because of the spirit and God who told her. Right after she knew this, she wanted others to know, to feel the same joy. That is when you are converted. You look to others to bring them closer to God. I know that is what I want to have my whole life; to share the gospel, to have a desire to share the gospel!  It is easy to do that as a missionary, but the trick is to still do it as a member. I invite you all to try missionary work out in your lives. It will not only bless the lives of others but yourself. 
I love you all and wish you all the best! 

Zuster Parker

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